Nov 25, 2017
The Wright On Network Presents: An Interview among cosplayers from Houston, Texas. Ashford, fellow cosplayer ceci.cici91 on Instagram, and bermudez_maira on Instagram, who are awesome cosplayers. Follow them. They do amazing work with costumes.
We just have an open discussion about Cosplay, Justice League, and...
Nov 23, 2017
Ripped out of today's headlines, Diane and Ashford discuss the major issue going on in this book and in the world today, violence against women. When a man is fired from his job, he feels rejected and powerless. To regain control, he tried to gain his power back. Once he feels like this is not a reality for him, he...
Nov 9, 2017
Batgirl is back in the cape and cowl, yet donning the Batgirl costume isn't enough. She doesn't just want to be good enough, she wants to be the best, which leads her to making a deal with the Lady Shiva.
Diane of the Helena Wayne Blog and Ashford discuss Batgirl number 9 volume 1.
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