Aug 31, 2019
The Huntress Podcast discuss the second saga of this abrupt Batman appearance. We have a triangle going in "Rage Under Pressure". Batman, Huntress, and James, each have suffered the brutal loss of a parent. These three unlikely characters come together in the penultimate story...sort of, of volume 1 of the...
Aug 16, 2019
The Huntress is trying to stop, or quell an all out turf world in her New York territory, so she might have to rough up the Batman in order to maintain the peace in her neighborhood, no matter if she has to allow strange bed fellows in her orbit...
Aug 4, 2019
Batgirl and Conner Hawke, the Green Arrow, put down the fists and pick up the team-up to take on the threat that is attacking Gotham's elite. And if this pairing wasn't enough for you, writer Chuck Dixon throws in one of the most endearing pairings of all of DC Comics, Stephanie Brown and Tim Drake, which is...
Aug 3, 2019
Again, the Huntress is fighting a war on multiple fronts, some internally, and a number of them are externally. She has been through many trails; however, that doesn't stop the fire. Things are heating up and simmering in issue 16 of...