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Aug 30, 2020

Laurel, Diane, and Ashford discuss America vs. the Justice Society Book 1, chapter 2. Starting with Batman's former partner, Robin, verbally sparing with The Huntress on the what the  truth is.  Is Batman's Diary, posthumously released, the truth?  Give us a listen.  This episode story deserves a first and second...

Aug 30, 2020

Tim and Ashford the new adventures of Cassandra Cain in Bludhaven.  Making her way in a new town, she acquires an informant/snitch, a villain to pursue, a local hang out, and of course, cool digs! 

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Aug 24, 2020

Tim and Ashford discuss the conclusion to the Batgirl/Robin 4 part crossover, Fresh Blood.  Batgirl vs. Robin.  The Batgirl Podcast is also covering Justice League Elite #6.  You don't want to miss why.  

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Aug 19, 2020

Laurel, Diane, and Ashford discuss the final saga in the Huntress story, which was packed in the Batman Family book.  This is from Batman Family #20.  Helena Wayne not only saves herself, but solves the case, which has a tragic conclusion...

Aug 16, 2020

Tim and Ashford discuss Justice League Elite #5, Robin 132, and Batgirl 58.  Batgirl moves to Bludhaven.  A Brand New Start.